The research team is affiliated to the platform of the Human Aging Research Institute of Nanchang University. The platform is based on the key laboratory of Jiangxi Provincial. Focusing on the research of aging and tumor, the Human Aging Research Institute has gathered a number of outstanding researchers, and provides superior conditions for scientific research.


Primary Interest:
The abnormal development of mammary gland will directly lead to its dysfunction and the occurrence of breast cancer, and breast cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide. We are focusing on the study of important regulatory factors in mammary gland development and breast cancer progression, identifying the molecular mechanisms, and making preliminary interventions for breast diseases. Based on these, we carry out the following researches.

1. Mammary gland development is mainly responsible by the hierarchical differentiation of mammary stem cells, and abnormal development of mammary stem cells will directly lead to the occurrence of breast cancer and mammary gland dysfunction (eg, lactation failure). We are focusing on identifying the important genes in the regulation of mammary stem cells and revealing their key roles in mammary cell fate determination and breast disease.

2. As one of the female characteristic organs, breast undergoes a series of changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy and lactation not only promotes the health of infants and young children, but a complete lactation cycle can also promote the health of women and have significant protective significance for mothers. However, the importance of breast health during childbirth has not been paid enough attention. Among the diseases related to the breast, PABC (pregnancy-associated breast cancer) accounts for 1.5%-8.2% of all breast cancers. PABC has a significant impact on female reproduction and fetal health. Some patients even face severe consequences of terminating pregnancy and reproduction. It is a serious problem that plagues female pregnancy and lactation and threatens female health. The research team is devoted to studying the molecular mechanisms of the occurrence and development of PABC, and attempts to provide theoretical basis for early screening and intervention of related breast cancer.

3. Cell senescence plays an important role in the process of tumorgenesis, recurrence and metastasis. We are trying to study the role of key regulatory factors of cell senescence in breast cancer progression, and screen potential drugs combined with current senolytics therapy for better therapeutic effects.


1. 乳腺干细胞发育。乳腺发育主要是由乳腺干细胞的级别分化完成的,而乳腺干细胞与发育上异常将直接导致乳腺癌发生与乳腺功能紊乱(如,泌乳失败)。我们关注在乳腺干细胞调控中的重要基因,揭示其在乳腺细胞命运决定与乳腺疾病发生中的关键作用。

2. 妊娠相关乳腺癌。乳腺作为女性特征器官之一,在妊娠过程中会发生一系列的变化,而产后泌乳不仅仅促进婴幼儿健康,完整的泌乳周期也能促进女性健康,对于产妇具有重大的保护意义,但乳腺在生育中的重要性没有引起足够的重视。妊娠相关乳腺癌对女性生殖以及胎儿健康产生重大影响,部分患者甚至面临终止妊娠生育的严重后果,是困扰女性妊娠哺乳以及威胁女性健康的严峻问题。课题组致力于研究妊娠相关乳腺癌发生发展中的分子机制,并尝试相关乳腺癌的早期筛查与干预提供理论依据。

3. 乳腺癌与细胞衰老。细胞衰老在肿瘤形成与复发转移等过程扮演重要作用。我们研究其关键调控因子在乳腺癌进程中功能与分子机制;同时,联合当今衰老疗法,筛选更佳治疗效果的药物靶点。
